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Monday, 30 June 2014

The I'm Bored Jar 2014 Style

The I'm Bored Jar is amazing! A school friend suggested the idea and the boys have loved it. The rules are: if anyone says 'I'm Bored!' they must take something from the jar and complete the task it sets them. The risk is that you HAVE to do what it says - one friend said she loved the Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans element of risk and danger. And so do the kids.

Towards the end of term, it became apparent that the Jar hadn't really kept up with the boys and it was time to update and refresh the chores and tasks.

So, Facebook was consulted, Pinterest was ransacked and my brain went into overdrive. Many suggestions were great, but kind of missed the point. Ideally, the tasks will be things that the kids can get on with more or less unsupervised and with minimal adult input. This is because they will almost always suddenly appear and claim boredom JUST when you are at the crucial stage of cooking dinner, or about to phone the bank. So, suggestions that imply dropping everything and doing something WITH the kids, are for another day.  

The jar is meant to give us relaxed and happy days at home, without the expectation of organised and often expensive entertainment being laid on. At the same time, I can't expect my boys to just hang around randomly, not without expecting a LOT of squabbling and grumpiness anyway. And of course, they can just zoom around on bikes, and call for their friends and I will bring them to the playground etc. But, as I am now doing a lot of work from home and learning day by day how this will work now the kids are around all day, the jar will be crucial to a sane and happy Summer!

We now have a fully stocked jar, with loads of ideas suited to the age and stage of the 2 Keene-lings. 

 If you have a 7 or 5 year old boy, then this list could save your Summer. Many of these are easily adaptable for other ages and interests also, I am sure. For example, I mind 2 great kids every Thursday and the 9 year old girl pulled something out of the jar last week: write a letter to your favourite football player.  How unimpressed was she!  And how quickly did she change to being unbelievably impressed when I suggested she write to one of the boys from One Direction instead!!! She was soooo excited and wrote a letter worthy of a reply, while literally bouncing up and down in her seat.  I absolutely love the intense use of capitals and my favourite bit is where she tells Harry to 'send the lads a hug from me!', as though she has known them all very well for years! We looked up the band's management company and the letter has been posted. I hope Harry Stiles does get it and write back... If he does, minimum safe distance required due to the screaming that will ensue, or she might not be able to speak at all for a month. Either way, it would be pretty amazing!

So, here is the list - it remains open to new suggestions and ideas!

  • choose a lego project and make it
  • empty waste paper baskets
  • look at your baby pictures
  • make a playlist on Spotify
  • make a card for anna and owen
  • choose a famous football player and write to them, or draw them a picture
  • draw a minecraft map, that you can make next time you play it
  • choose a lego project and make it
  • make a marble run
  • make a road and train track
  • paint a rainbow
  • check the dryer and empty it if it is full
  • go through the football magazines and throw away any that are too torn and ripped
  • go through your money box and count what is in there
  • go through all your socks and check they fit and all have a pair
  • go through the craft book, pick a craft and make a list of what we need
  • pick an activity book from Adam’s room and do 3 pages of it
  • pick a recipe that you want to make and make a list of what you need
  • choose a Bible story and draw a picture of it
  • clear out the church bag completely
  • make a sign that could go on your bedroom door
  • choose a scene from Harry Potter and draw a picture of this
  • wash the car
  • cycle or scoot around Broomhall Glen and back home
  • go through your pyjamas and check that they fit
  • check your bedroom: pick everything off the floor and put it in the right place
  • do a jigsaw puzzle
  • go through the cars in the big blue box and throw away any broken ones
  • go through the colours and check if any are broken and throw them away
  • clean the toilet and sink in your bathroom
  • write a news broadcast and video yourself giving the news. Tell least 3 news stories
  • hoover mummy’s car
  • write a short story, which must include the words: apple, frog and helicopter
  • do a bumpy hand drawing (get Mummy to show you on Pinterest)
  • make up a new superhero: give him a name, draw a costume and choose his 3 superpowers and draw his enemy too
  • get Mummy to write a really long word and see how many shorter words you can make from it
  • make a road track on the decking or in your room with masking tape
  • make a fort and have a snack inside it
  • make up a secret code and write a message to Mummy telling her what you’d like for dinner tomorrow
  • make a pirate treasure map and see if Daddy can find the treasure you have hidden when he gets home
  • Ask Mummy for the Letter Walk plate and go for it
  • see if Mummy or Daddy have an old appliance that they will let you take apart
  • choose a piano piece to practise so you can play a duet with Daddy when he gets home 
  • Design and build an obstacle course for your brother to do, and maybe parents too
  • Choose a Formula 1 Driver and write to them
  • Design a football strip for Southampton 
  • Practise level 6 flips on the trampoline
  • water the garden with water from the butt - use watering can, don’t forget pot at the front
  • go through yellow snack box, throw away any empty boxes or anything that has gone off 
  • make a magic potion in the garden 
  • go around the house and check for any cups or mugs to put in the dishwasher
  • choose a story to read out loud and record yourself reading it
  • go round the house and pick up all the books not in a book case and put them in the right rooms
  • design the invitation to your birthday party later this year
  • Choose a loom band design to make and make a new bracelet
  • time yourself running a lap of the garden and then try and better your time
  • Take a pencil for a walk on a piece of paper and then colour in the shapes: no pieces touching each other can be the same colour
  • look in the recycling bin and use whatever you can find to make a rocket
  • pull up all the weeds from the side of the driveway
  • rearrange your bookcase by colour, to make a rainbow of the book spines
  • rearrange your bookcase by author, alphabetically
  • design and make a monster mask
  • Think of 3 other ideas for the I’m Bored Jar!
  • Add any football cards or stickers to the right albums if not yet stuck in